Fall is one of the best times for planting because plants are adapting to new soil and environment.
Once sod is installed, any bare spots on the lawn will soon be covered in beautiful grass. With sod, you’ll receive that instant gratification of a green lawn. After sod is installed, it doesn’t require as much maintenance as grass seed. While sod does require regular irrigation to keep it damp, it doesn’t dry out as fast as an area with grass seed.
is manufactured with two types of grass seed, full-sun seed or shade-tolerant seed. This is a great benefit for those homeowners who
have a yard with shade or part-shade.
Instant Lawn
One of the most noticeable advantages of sod is that you’ll have an instant lawn.
Seeding your lawn takes at least 18 months to grow; in the meantime, you’ll be stuck with a bare yard. Sodding, on the other hand,
provides an immediate aesthetic change and is fully established about two weeks after it’s placed.
Less Irrigation
To help with seed germination, a seeded lawn needs to be watered at least four times a day to keep the ground moist.
New sod only needs to be watered twice a day a couple of weeks after it’s planted.
Preventing Soil Erosion
Sod is able to control dust, mud, and erosion — this is because it’s already fully grown.
If you have a yard that becomes muddy when it rains, sod is a great way to eliminate this issue.
Heat Reduction
Asphalt, concrete, bare soil, and artificial turf emanate heat. Sod is able to absorb heat.
Along with heat reduction, it also reduces greenhouses gases by absorbing carbon dioxide. It then releases oxygen and cools the air.
Added Value
A green, luscious lawn instantly adds value to your home— an important point if you’re preparing to sell.